Traveling provides perspectives. On
places, on people, on environments, on communities. This morning, as
an unintended surprise, I attended a wedding in the center of
Washington DC, USA. It realigned me again on global virtues that
involve, among others, healthy measures of love, joy, peace,
kindness, and self-control.
In Africa I do encounter dependence
often, in both its healthy and unhealthy expressions. Healthy through
Ubuntu – a culture expressing that I am because we are – and
unhealthy, for instance, in the form of demands for others to take
care, and blame when such provision does not emerge.
In America I do encounter independence
often, in both its healthy and unhealthy expressions. Healthy through
innovation – blisful energy to enhance reality - and unhealthy, for instance, in self-serving use of natural resource forsaking the responsibilities of its use in a global, social setting of capacity, and disregard when others request for account.
Here and there on the globe I find
interdependence. Where interdependence reigns, a bold kind of
humbleness exists. While opinions exist, they are not the measure.
And circumstances are reviewed as per alignment
with inspired and shared vision. Ultimately goals are reached as a collective; A "We, the Community of People", where
worth exists from the outset.
The world is shrinking fast. Unfortunately, exaltation of dependence, or independence, can withhold similar advancement of society to be together. Let us strive
towards interdependentness, a state of character where we do figure out harmonious sharing of our collective resources, and our collective
potential as, and with, any place, people, environment, and community.